Wednesday, December 14, 2011

There's more to life than coffee. . .

Finally, a hot cup of coffee!  Awake since five, up since six makes for a long wait for coffee at nine-thirty.  I needed blood drawn this morning so I have been fasting since last night.  I thought I was being so efficient (saving time and gas by combining trips) by scheduling the bloodwork for the first appointment of the day, immediately after my Curves workout.  According to plan, I arrived at the health center at 7:27 for my 7:30 appointment.  The doors were still locked so I decided to go buy a cup of coffee to have in the car to drink on the way home.  By now, it was 7:36, according to the clock in my car, and the doors were still locked.  I waited a few more minutes, eyeing my cooling coffee and soon the lights came on, the doors were opened and I went in.  Feeling a little "testy" (due to caffein deprivation) I did point out that I had already been there, once, at 7:30.  As I heard the words exiting my lips, I realized I sounded like one of those complainers I often feel the urge to defend others against, so I applied the quickest "fix" I could think of which was to say my clock was probably fast.  It really wasn't; theirs was slow, but certainly, making an issue of that would have been uncalled for on my part.  (. . ."small stuff" in the grand scheme.)  

I needn't have been so concerned with self-reprimands, though.  When asked for my doctor's order, I realized I had forgotten it!  It was still home in my "Priority 1" folder.  So there I stood with "egg on my face."  Actually, wishing I had egg on my face.  Or at least a drop of coffee on my lips.  The ball was definitely in the other court now.  If I could go home, retrieve the order and get back before nine-o'clock, all would be well. . .and it was. 

This day has begun on a loving, lighter note, not in spite of the interruption in plans but because of it.  These are the times, I think, when our choices really matter and we need to pay close attention to them, keeping an awareness of each situation from the perspective of others.  That is how we keep learning how to live and love and grow, spiritually. . .

. . .and to realize there's more to life than coffee.

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