Friday, April 1, 2011

NC Visit - Day 11

The clock on the microwave indicated 10:01 this morning when I finally tore myself away from my nest, upstairs, and shuffled down to the kitchen. "Hmm, my favorite time," I thought as I smiled to myself. Ever since the advancement of time-telling devices created digital clocks, I have been amused by 10:01, for some reason. I believe it's because I am always slightly taken aback when I glance at the time and I see those two little wide eyes looking back at me.

I'm reminded, too, of past years when 10:01 on the car clock on Sundays meant we were running behind. Church began at 11:00 then, but I felt the need to be there an hour early in order to comfortably prepare for all that preliminary "stuff" that any church musician knows about. Since then, I have shaved that time down to half an hour--even less, sometimes; much less--which would have delighted my kids back "when." Then, I would be anxious and frustrated, lecturing them, sternly, on "never making us late again!" Ha! What they gleaned from that was their own amusement in watching how Mom's demeanor made an abrupt "about face" as soon as we stepped out of the car and entered the building. They lovingly(?) referred to that tone change as my "telephone voice." (Anyone who has had children will know what I'm talking about. You can be in the middle of household tyranny; the phone croon, "Helllllooo," in such a sweet, melodic tone that syrup practically drips from your lips. That's the "telephone voice." I believe Erma Bombeck wrote about that, too.) I'm sure that, unknowingly, I provided a great deal of free entertainment for my kids over the years. I certainly hope they appreciated it!

I sure am fascinated by the dream sequences that passed through my brain like a slide show last night and this morning. The details are beginning to fade now but, as often happens, I'm left with residual feelings about a common theme shared by seemingly unrelated, unrealistic events. Usually, my dream scenario is that I am being chased by dog like beasts with gnashing teeth and wake up just before I have to choose between being shredded or leaping over a cliff--that sort of thing. This time, the theme was a little different in that I was not the one running ahead, being chased. I was, instead, behind, trying to catch up and would wake up, not at a cliff scene, but almost reaching a place I needed to be. Then, just as I was about to step into that place, I would wake up. I'm not sure why.

Once, I dreamed Jenn was tapping me on the shoulder, asking me to put a pork roast in the crockpot. Oh! Wait a minute! That was real!

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