Sunday, April 10, 2011

In love with yard work. . .

I've done it again! Not heeding my own advice about knowing when to quit, that is. Is it possible to become addicted to yard work?

I think it's true that our behaviors (habits) develop because there is something in it for us. A pay-off, if you will. Some form of pleasure we may or may not even be aware of. At first thought, it's hard for me to fathom what possible pleasure there can be in causing one's own body to hurt when it moves, hurt when it stops and hurt when it stands still. =^) --> I'll never know just why that is and I guess I never will! ( song lyrics?)

I smell like spring dirt. I have small stones and twigs in my hair, dirt in the fingernails of my blistered hands, and leaf dust in my nostrils. I cannot rise from my chair, now, without wincing in pain. This is pleasure? You betcha! And the pay-off is of a grand scale but not necessarily that which you might expect.

The satisfaction of grounds that are well groomed is of little significance to me, compared to the nourishment my mind, body and soul are fed during what I call my "marathon yard work" days. I wish I could describe what takes place within me during those "sessions" but it is so far beyond the capacity of words that it would be meaningless to try. I just know it is truly a spiritual experience -- a "God time" I would be deprived of if someone were to do the work for me. You see, the pleasure is not found so much in the task getting done (anyone could do that.) Rather, it is in the time spent doing the task that the pay-off (the pleasure) comes.

Everything my senses see or hear, smell, taste or touch are evidence to me of the magnitude of all that God has so tenderly created.

That's why I am in love with yard work.

1 comment:

  1. Well said dot and ditto from me. I too did too much today and it is very hard for me to rise too. We are Gods caretakers.
