Friday, April 29, 2011
Decisions, decisions. . .
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Life's journey(s)...many or one?
A Life's Journey; A Spiritual Journey: Same or different? There's that word, "A" again. The little word that (according to C. S. Lewis in A Grief Observed) differentiates between generalization and personalization.
In the past, when I thought about my life's journey(s), I thought in plural; compartmentalizing each journey's course separately and observing, with interest, when they overlapped for awhile or crossed paths, briefly. Then, one day, I had one of those "Aha!" moments that I now refer to, more appropriately, as "God times." You know, when what once was vague becomes clear, the 'pieces' suddenly fit and you are thrust in an inspiringly new direction. For me, these moments represent tangible evidence that I have taken another step forward in my own journey. It might be a giant step or it might be a baby step. It doesn't matter which. Both are forward moving.
It was a most enlightening realization the day it hit me that since I am only one person, I can, therefore, have only one journey; one that includes everything that I do, think, say or sense. Most importantly, my spiritual journey cannot be tucked away on a separate course from other areas of my life. With that in mind, I have found (am still finding) wonder in the marvelous ways my (formerly plural) journeys have integrated. The first time I read Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life, that integration came to light several times throughout the book by the many reminders that we can use even our most menial daily chores to glorify God.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Project Bathroom. . .
Monday, April 11, 2011
Missing Ginger. . .
I dearly miss my dog, Ginger. That little sting surprised me today because I thought I had pretty much adapted to life without her. But it was winter when she died so this is the first I've been busy in the yard without her. It feels very awkward to be so totally alone. I do admit that there were times when she was somewhat of a nuisance because, even when she had gotten old, she always considered my yard work time her playtime. She persisted until I had to stop whatever I was doing and throw toys for her. Then, as soon as I picked up my tools again, back she would come. I'd try ignoring her but she wouldn't stop bumping her slimey toy against my bare leg until she got her own way. Sometimes, I could buy myself some time by tricking her into running in the wrong direction or by tossing the muddy, saliva soaked toy into the bushes where she would have to search for it. She would always find it. Always. Today, one of her outside toys turned up -- her favorite one. It sent a sudden wave of sadness through me. But I wouldn't wish not to have had my little buddy all those years just to spare myself the loss of her now.
I'm reminded of part of one of my favorite poems:
...Tho nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, glory in the flower,
Grieve not, for we will find strength in what remains...
Sunday, April 10, 2011
In love with yard work. . .
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Who cares about a bunch of clothes. . .
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
NC Visit - Day 16. . .
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
NC Visit - Day 15. . .
Monday, April 4, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
NC Visit - Day 13. . .
Saturday, April 2, 2011
NC Visit - Day 12. . .
A long, hot bath was in order to help wind down for sleep after a very satisfying day.