Sunday, September 5, 2010

Excuses. . .

I have been mulling over today's message ever since this morning. This may seem like an odd statement given the fact that I really can't remember anything specific of what was said. A significant positive thought process has been initiated, however, that I know will be instrumental in my own personal enlightenment and spiritual growth. In my mind, a "good" sermon is one in which we grasp a truth we can readily identify, then expand and apply it until it becomes interwoven in our very being. I think the meaning (or essence) of words remains with us long after the words themselves are forgotten. Then again, maybe that's just my excuse for not remembering things.

That was the title of the message this morning: Excuses. There were, of course, some of the obvious examples given. But beyond that, I've been thinking about how our perception of any particular excuse changes to accommodate our own comfort level. In other words, our perception depends on whether we are on the giving or receiving end of the excuse. If we are really honest, we'll see that many of the "legitimate" excuses we give and the "flimsy" ones we receive are exactly the same.

These wise words come to mind: "UNDERSTAND before you ask to be UNDERSTOOD." (Easier said than done.)

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