I have run across quite a few robin's nests while meandering around the property and puttering in the yard. Some of their locations seem a little peculiar to me and I have to wonder what made a robin couple choose those spots in the first place. Bob used to observe their precarious locations and would build little platforms to hang nearby as an invitation for more secure new home construction the following year when the pair returned. He found pleasure in seeing the birds take advantage of his kind gesture and satisfaction in pointing it out to me since he sensed my original skepticism, I'm sure.
Imagine my joy a few days ago when I discovered a whole neighborhood of such housing (all of it inhabited) along the back rafters of the tractor garage!
I believe our purpose here is not so much to try to change the world in such grand ways that we will be recognized, but to contribute to that change in small ways by following the nudges we feel to care for our world and all that is in it.
I have been considering this as well Dorothy, it is amazing when we can interact with the creatures the Lord has given us to enjoy.