One of the advantages I like about time spent away from home is that it doesn't seem to matter much what time it is. I don't know about anyone else but I am a clock watcher with a compulsion for multitasking and breaking my own records when it comes to performing menial tasks. How silly to give in to such a misplaced priority!
I'm not even sure what time I fell asleep last night but I suspect it was much later than usual. I was surprised when I woke up this morning, thinking it was very early, and realizing it was past 9:30! Instinctively, I felt absolutely ashamed! Then I thought, "so what?" There's nowhere I need to be and there's nothing urgent that I need to be doing. Everyone else in the house had left for work or school hours ago. When I did finally make my way to the coffee pot, the dog and the cats were glad to see they had company. Well, the dog was glad. The cats really didn't care much. In fact, I had the feeling they wondered just who I thought I was, intruding on their turf during a time when they are usually in charge.
<---Just like home.
A long, hot bath was next on the non-clock-watching agenda. I still didn't know what time it was. Not because there were no clocks but because I didn't care. Two over-ripe bananas pleaded with me from the kitchen counter to save them from the humiliation of having matured thro
ugh the banana cycle without purpose so I honored them by transforming them into a loaf of banana bread. I have a suspicion there was a bit of manipulative power of suggestion involved, though. I say this because of the exact positioning of the two bananas where they were certain to be seen, right beside the coffee pot, instead of in the fruit bowl across the room. This is speculation on my part, of course, and could never be proven beyond reasonable doubt.
The sun came out for awhile this afternoon, brightening the outdoors up. The grass looks like it's greening up from all the rain so I guess that's a good thing.
Ian and Daniel had a half day of school today so they kept me company this afternoon and that was nice. I enjoy learning what things are important to them and listening to their ideas. All the
grandkids are just growing so fast!
<---Daniel, relaxing after school.
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