Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A blank day. . .?

Lately, there has been something lacking in my emotional well being and spiritual growth. I haven't been able to pinpoint the missing ingredient, exactly, but I have begun to discover what I think it might be. The exercise routine I maintained so faithfully for so many years has gradually become low on my list of priorities and I think I am beginning to realize how such a routine can benefit, not only our physical health, but our mind and soul as well. This afternoon, I donned my walking shoes and set out for a power walk. I only walked a couple of miles but since I'm a little out of practice (and it included some pretty steep hills), that's enough to start with. I was pleasantly surprised to be able to maintain my pace and not feel "winded" at the top of the hills. I did notice, though, that my muscles were rebelling a bit. I'll probably feel a little stiff in the morning.
Sometimes we aren't aware of a change in routine until after the fact. In this case, I was fully aware of changes as they were taking place. My whole life had changed. Daily patterns changed. Responsibilities and workloads changed. Yardwork and home maintenance became my priority and were more than ample substitutes for Curves workouts. As for power walks--I simply lost the initiative. I'm not sure if I will go back to Curves but I definitely know I am craving the walking experience again and the meditation it inspires.
This morning, when I saw that my calendar had absolutely nothing written on it for today, I felt a little uneasy; like I was forgetting something. Now I see the "open" day as a nudge toward keeping an open mind and taking time to immerse in the "now" rather than to focus on the "next thing" on a to-do list. What unexpected pleasures there can be when we do this! There was nothing about this day I might have planned, yet it has been emotionally rewarding, physically fulfilling and spiritually nurturing.
Another day in the journey comes to a close. . .and my soul is well.

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