Saturday, May 15, 2010

A day to treasure. . .

It has been a good couple of days.
Yesterday, for the first time in almost three years, I found myself opening my violin case and playing a little bit. Something I haven't been able to do since Bob's illness. I'm not sure what to expect from here but we'll see.
Today has been what I like to refer to as a "Hallmark" day. Michael and I spent wholesome time together and even he remarked several times that he was having a really good day. After some leisure time this morning, we went to his house so he could do his chores. I enjoyed watching him go about the business of caring for the dogs, collecting eggs and feeding the chickens and ducks. I was wishing I had my camera when I saw him from the distance across the pond, the ducks swimming to meet him, the dog bounding this way and that and with the woods as a backdrop. For a moment it felt as though I had stepped from reality into a painting that once hung on our wall.
Then, at my house, we worked on all sorts of tasks. We dug up shoots from a variety of ornamental bushes and planted them as a hedgerow at the end of the orchard. In the process, Michael learned how to cut and remove sod in sections and before we were finished, he had mastered the procedure. We pruned the nearby spruce tree and inspected it for disease. We made a mental note of where we saw strawberry blossoms and where blackberry bushes were beginning to bud, in hopes of getting to them before the birds do. Over lunch, we made plans to create a walking trail around the property; something I've had in mind for awhile. fun, alone.
Before long, it was time for Little League so off we went. Michael had a good game. He got on base several times and made it to home plate a couple of times too. When the game was over, it was time to pick up Rachael at her friend's house. Michael wished aloud that we could just leave her there and when she was invited to spend another night, he was delighted to point out that his wish had come true. Ah, yes...siblings!
I do treasure days like this and never, ever take them for granted.


  1. i can picture you and Michael every step of the way...what a great memory you two will have of this day forever
