Monday, July 28, 2014

Consolation. . .

I am really missing my visiting family who are now back home in NC after a day's drive. My quiet house is full of little telltale reminders of their presence -- beds that have been slept in, objects where they placed them, lingering scents, and empty Cheese-it boxes under Daniel's bed. It was quite an enjoyable, laid-back visit but as always, over much too soon. To console myself, I did what any normal person would do: I bought new pajamas!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Some things don't change. . .

Perfect weather for working outside and here I am, stuck inside taking care of "business." My own fault for being such a procrastinator when it comes to opening mail. I don't know why I avoid it so. I think it might be because most of my household matters and my personal communication are processed electronically these days, making the handling of "paper work" seem tediously slow and inefficient. It makes me 'twitchy.' I don't even check my mailbox everyday but I do try to empty it often enough so the mail carrier doesn't have to struggle to cram more in. The bulk of it goes immediately in the trash while the important 'stuff' is carefully placed in one of the three slots in the wooden letter holder on the wall. I always start out by prioritizing 1, 2, or 3...but that doesn't last long. I can't be bothered. It makes me 'twitchy.' 

After while, some uneasiness begins to set in as I glance at the bulging letter holder each time I pass by. Then for a time I simply try to avoid looking at it all together. Finally, there comes a day (like today) when the stress level of "putting off until 'tomorrow' what should be done 'today'" offsets the mock satisfaction brought on by avoidance. Anxiety begins to hover and close in around me, compelling me to pick up my little (Civil War sword replica) letter opener and tackle the task at hand.

The stack of unopened mail in the photo below is the "important stuff" that has accumulated over the past month...or two...three? Maybe longer. Who knows what I will find in there? It's hard to say. Although I can say that the suspense is making me very 'twitchy.'


How am I dealing with this? Why, I am sitting here writing about it while the envelopes remain stacked, unopened, on my desk. Will I finally get down to business? Only time will tell. Am I going to vow, as I have so often in the past, to never let this happen again? No way! Not happening. I have come to accept that this is who I am and no doubt, the process will continue to repeat itself.

You know......accept the things you can't change......and all that. Besides, trying to change makes me 'twitchy.'