Wednesday, November 30, 2011

NC Visit 11-30-11

Jerry, the dog, chows down
In just three days, I'll be on my way back home.  I have mixed feelings about that.  On one hand I'm eager to pick up where I left off, back in New York, with renewed enthusiasm; yet I'm feeling quite settled in here and the time has been oh, so short.  Even the dog and cats have welcomed my presence into what is usually their domain while their humans are at work and school.
Jerry and Joey have eaten to their satisfaction
The sunrise was spectacular, followed by what is now a beautifully bright, sunshiney morning.  I can see the reflection of crows in my screen as they fly clumsily back and forth outside the window behind me.  The dog sometimes barks at their intrusion when they choose his yard as their landing pad.  I can't blame him.  Their awkwardness and obnoxious caws can be distracting.  But I must admit -- I kind of like them because of the way I associate them with a "journey's worth" of morning memories.  

Now it's Willy's turn
What shall I do with this day?  That is the question.  I know I will spend part of it working on the blanket that I'm crocheting for Ian.  As I had hoped when I brought it with me, it looks like the timing is going to be just right and it will be finished before I leave.  If not, I had said there were only two other alternatives:  It would either stay here until my next visit or I would pack it up and ship it home to work on since it requires its own piece of luggage.  That was fine for the trip down since I had Allen's extra pair of hands then.  I had all I could do juggling one large piece of luggage along with a shoulder bag and a violin. 

I need to wrap presents, too.  Oh, and I mustn't forget to slice up some oranges later!  Yesterday, Daniel said "It sure will seem funny to come home and not find sliced up oranges waiting for me in a dish."  How sweet is that?  But then...he also said, "Hey Gramma -- since you like to clean, how about if you clean mine and Ian's rooms while we're in school today?"  The little twit.  

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NC Visit 11-29-11

Raining out the front door...

Raining out the back door, too...

I was looking at weather listings on my homepage and thought I must not be reading correctly since it is much warmer in Hancock, NY than it is in Hope Mills or Kannapolis, NC.  I'm sure the folks at home are taking advantage with late-in-the-season cookouts and such but I hope they won't mind that I am hoping for a little snow when I get back home. 

I guess I am just one of the diehard "Catskill Mountain folk."  Or, as one nice young man put it, several years ago during an outdoor group gathering : "Dorothy, you're. . .you're just a country girl!"  He meant it as a most sincere compliment and, understanding that, I was very touched by the depth of his perception.  However, spontaneous laughter was the response from all the other students and Cindy nearly rolled down the hill, she was laughing so hard.  It was a fun, lasting moment during a fun day.  I call them "memory moments" or sometimes "God times."  You can't force them to happen but when they do, you can feel them being preserved in time and you know you'll have them forever. . .and they will surface at the most unsuspecting times.  Times such as this when all I wanted to know was the temperature so I would know what to wear.

My journey is filled with "memory moments" and I am grateful. . . . . .


Monday, November 28, 2011

NC Visit 11-28-11

Our "light endeavors"
It is Monday morning and a little cloudy.  Ordinarily, the two could be a depressing combination but somewhere along my life's journey I have learned to rejoice in the light of each new day, regardless of the weather's so called dreariness.  While I have no control over the weather, my attitude belongs to no one but me. In other words, if I am "gloomy," it is because I have chosen to be.  Admittedly, there are times when I am weak and I do choose "doom and gloom" and wallow in it for awhile but even then, I realize any change in my attitude must come from within.  During those times, I am so grateful to be blessed with the incredible love of my family and friends. 
Love is Patient. . .

This morning, I am "rattling around" in this big, quiet house while Jenn is at work, the boys are in school and Allen is headed back to work in Philadelphia.  The dog, Jerry, was very happy when I made my appearance earlier but Joey, the cat, not so much -- he thinks I have no business telling him what to do in his own house. 

In the stillness, my heart is warmed by the sentiments of some of the wall hangings:  "Love is Patient, Love is Kind...It Always Protects, Always Trusts, Always Hopes, Always Perseveres" -- "On a farm so long ago...all my fondest memories grow" -- "God doesn't give us what we can handle; God helps us handle what we are given."  The third is a reminder that hangs on a wall in each of our kids' homes (a gift from me to each of them when we lost their father) and I hope it comforts them as it does me.
God doesn't give you. . .

Last night I helped Jenn string more lights and garland on the front porch.  It's nice to be here at this time of year and have the opportunity to share part of the Christmas season with more of my family.  Maybe another time I'll arrange my trip so that I can be here for the Hope Mills Christmas parade, when Jenn's handbell choir rings at the gazebo.

I've been toying with the idea of walking to school later to see her students (and Daniel) rehearse for their play but I'm not sure about that.  It's very tempting since I would welcome a vigorous walk and I can almost see Gallberry Farm School from the upstairs windows.  Trouble is, it's not possible to walk there "as the crow flies" and I don't think the routes in that direction are pedestrian friendly.  Then, add to that the fact that my directional sense leaves much to be desired.  (Ha!  I should have brought my GPS!)  
On a farm so long ago. . .

Sunday, November 27, 2011

NC Visit 11-27-11, later. . .

Ready for church

On our way

Here we are

2:00pm. . .
There are often moments of enlightenment that feed your spirit when you follow God's nudges even when you want to try not to acknowledge them.  I cannot describe all that I have felt today.  Let me just say that this morning was one of those times when my soul was fed and my spirit nourished far beyond what I might have anticipated.  With complete clarity, I realized, "I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this moment and not only that, I even know why."  I am so thankful for moments like these!   

NC Visit 11-27-11

6:45am. . .
Day is breaking at Pecan Grove Loop.  I have a real yen for a cup of coffee.  Then. . .get ready for church. Today is the 1st Sunday of Advent. The anticipation begins!  It is my prayer that amid all the commercial glitz, we will all remember, with awe, the reason for the season! 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

NC Visit 11-26-11

Saturday. . .chilly this morning, then sunny and warm.  A good day for running errands, going to lunch, doing a little shopping and Jenn had an appointment for a haircut.  It's nice to be able to do Christmas shopping for my NC families while I'm here.  The refurbishing of downtown in old Fayetteville has made it very inviting and quaint.  It reminds me of downtown Oneonta, back home in NY -- except that it's a bit larger.  

More Christmas decorating. . .more music. . .more crocheting. . .then we watched 'A Christmas Carol' (the new version.)  All in all, a pretty nice day.  I'm looking forward to church in the morning where I'll also be thinking of the folks back at Emory, picturing our Hanging of the Greens service, the Memory Tree, and Carmen at the piano.

The days are flying by.  But I guess they do that no matter where I am so I'll just do what I always try to do -- cherish each one and be glad for it. 

NC Visit 11-25-11

No Black Friday shopping for us!  Just a relaxing day. Jenn and Daniel started getting out some of the Christmas decorations while Allen, his dad and Ian went golfing.  I did some crocheting and Jenn and I played music for awhile.  I'm glad I decided to bring my violin. I think I have missed playing.  Later. . .dinner at Cracker Barrel and good-byes to Allen's parents, who were heading back to Florida the next day.  I always enjoy poking around in the "stuff" at Cracker Barrel even if I don't buy anything.  I forgot my camera, though, pictures. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

NC Visit 11-24-11

Thanksgiving. . .
Oh, so much to be thankful for!  It was a laid-back sort of day.  The kind that allows you to relax and enjoy the people around you and to take time for warm thoughts of those who are not nearby.  Jenn's turkey and pies were as appealing to the taste buds as they were to the eye.  Later on, Daniel and I watched "Over the Hedge" while he had another crocheting lesson.  I think his fascination lies more in the process rather than a finished product.  He says it's like tying knots.

Jerry enjoys a sunpatch

Snacks are ready

Jenn takes a breather

while we wait for our guests

The boys help set the table

Allen checks the bird

Thursday, November 24, 2011

NC Visit 11-23-11

Wednesday. . .last day in Kannapolis.  Tonight. . .back to Hope Mills.  I am feeling very emotional and I didn't "see it coming" at all.  Treasuring the moments. . .

Matthew - working out

We watched 'Curious George' help the man find his yellow hat

Kaitlyn had lunch on the porch
Matthew kept her company
Kaitlyn relented after much hesitation and allowed me to give her a "hair-do."  Actually, I used the "grandparent card" and bribed her. . .but please don't tell her parents!

NC Visit 11-22-11

Tuesday. . .another day to spend with Kaitlyn and Matthew.  I hope these special times together will be "memory builders" for them.  I know they are for me.  Contrary to what many of the pictures may indicate, they did NOT nap all the time.  It's just easier for one hands-free gramma to get shots of two moving "targets" when they are asleep.  I am basking in this time.  I have only one more day here with them and then, back to Jenn's and Allen's for Thanksgiving.
Kaitlyn and Oscar both napping

It must not have been a very captivating book.  I see Matthew fell asleep while reading.

Omar, the Overseer

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

NC Visit 11-21-11


Kaitlyn demonstrates her kitchen
On Monday I spent the day with Kaitlyn and Matthew while Dan and Michelle were at work.  We played, we ate, we sang.  Being with infants and toddlers is a lot like riding a bicycle in that you don't forget "how" even if it has been a long time.  That is, as long as you keep yourself updated on how to use the new improved equipment and diapers! (Obviously, I don't know a pull-up from a Pamper.)
Watch for "Kaitlyn Ray" cookbooks on the shelf right beside "Rachel Ray"

Lovin' that baby


Rolling over is frustrating when your right arm gets stuck

Matthew likes just hanging out in his swing. . .

. . .and telling funny stories

Monday, November 21, 2011

NC Visit 11-20-11

Matthew bonds with Uncle Allen and Daniel. . .

. . .while Jerry, the dog, bonds with Kaitlyn.

And all grandkids present sit for the mandatory snapshots with Gramma.

Sunday was a busy day. There were church music obligations at both the 8:30 and 11:00 am services . . . some of us attending both, some - one or the other.  Allen had a train to catch to go back to Philly.  Later, I left for Dan and Michelle's with him and the kids where I'll settle in for a couple of days.  I have to admit that I get a little confused as to where I am, where I'm going and when. . .so I'm grateful that Jenn and Dan take care of the scheduling of my whereabouts and all I need to know is any given time I should be ready to leave. 

As for the confusion I mentioned -- now that I think of it, I'm not so sure that's so unusual. 

NC Visit 11-19-11, later

It was a "warm fuzzy" kind of day, relaxing and settling in; dressing the animals in Superman costumes that used to be Ginger's.  (Sadly sweet to see them recycled like that.)  Saturday mornings are typically busy for active families and this was no different.  The boys were involved in a Boy Scout food drive, then it was off to the church's Fall Festival to play handbells.  I enjoyed just being an observer with none of the responsibilities and having the chance to mingle and chat with some familiar faces.  The setting reminded me very much of our "Christmas Bazaar" back home.

Daniel has a real knack for being a very considerate host, going out of his way to see that I am comfortable and have everything I need.  I'm very touched by that.

I loved the fact that Ian was eager to show me his cello music for orchestra and even played through every piece, giving me very informative narratives for each one.  Then we played cello / violin Christmas duets with Jenn accompanying on piano.  Heart be still!

And the day got even better. . .

Dan drove out from Kannapolis to spend the night, bringing both Kaitlyn and Matthew!  Since my family is rather large (when you begin counting them all) and because they don't all live in one proximity, it's always a thrill whenever we are able to come together in various groups.  It is my heart's desire to gather them all together at some point. . .at least long enough to take a picture!  That's going to take some doing, though, since they are spread from Buffalo, NY to North Carolina and grandkids range in age from 33 yrs. to 5 mos.  For now, it is enough to get to "live with" Ian and Daniel for awhile and to "squish" Matthew and play with Kaitlyn.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

NC Visit 11-19-11, 7am

7:00am. . .
I woke up earlier and peeked out at the neighborhood and the pecan trees.  All seems quiet and peaceful, covered with a crisp layer of frost. 

Now that I'm all settled in (and rested) I've been thinking over the events of yesterday and absorbing them.  I often think of how "distance" has changed over the years and how glad I am to live in a time when it doesn't have to separate us from the people we love -- regardless of how resistant I am at times to pry myself loose from French Woods.

As a child, I was quite accustomed to train travel but those trips to visit grandparents were much shorter and, of course, a lot has changed since then.  My pleasure in "window gazing," however, is something that has not changed.  Oh, the places your mind can take you if you just surrender completely.  Sitting on a train, suspended in time, gazing through the window at life's ever-changing slideshow can tap into all sorts of emotional analogies, parallels -- whatever you want to call them.  Afterward, there is serenity and a sense that all is well with your soul and that God most assuredly is Good.

Oh, and did I mention imaginary humorous scenerios?  While we were stopped for awhile at Union Station, I entertained the fantasy of taking my violin down from overhead and playing music out on the platform while passers by threw coins in the case.  I mentioned this to Allen and we snickered.    

Friday, November 18, 2011

NC Visit 11-18-11

It was an enjoyable train ride from Philly to Fayetteville with Allen.  The restroom left a lot to be desired but then, you can't have everything, I suppose.  Jenn and the boys met us at the station and we grabbed a bite to eat before going home.  The last time I was here was back in spring, yet, once we pulled in the driveway, it felt like it was only yesterday.  I love that.  My goodness, how Ian and Daniel have grown!

There were many things throughout the day that I was eager to blog about (humorous and otherwise) but by now I am too tired.  Maybe it's just as well if vivid descriptions of restroom experiences, disgruntled baggage check personnel and my being an obvious 'fish out of water' are better left unsaid.  For now. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

NC Visit 11-17-11

Here I am in Philly, in a Holiday Inn, sipping on some decaf coffee and passing the time while waiting for my son-in-law, Allen, to get off work.  Six-thirty morning chapel seems more like a day or so ago.  The several hour drive here with Cindy went quickly.  Time flies when you're visiting -- and we all know how 'difficult' it is for Cindy and I to find anything to talk about.  Ha!  I hope her return trip is just as smooth and efficient.

Traveling is going to be a little different this time.  I usually fly but, this time, Allen and I will be riding Amtrak into NC, boarding early in the morning.  One difference I have noticed is that packing for train travel is a lot less stressful than for flying.  I'm always afraid I'll forget to remove all my sharp gadgets from my purse or that I won't get my shoes back on fast enough to suit the person in line behind me.  Once, I forgot to take my computer out of my bag so my whole bag was rejected and everything had to go through security a second time.  Then there was the time, while leaving a plane, I absent-mindedly walked toward the cockpit instead of the exit door.  Actually, I'd rather not talk about that except to say, "Let me tell you. . .those people don't fool around!"

I think tomorrow will be fun.  I'm looking forward to it. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hearing loss. . .

I feel compelled to write about some of the life-changing effects that progressive hearing loss has had on my life and, one day (when I can devote all the uninterrupted time I need), I will.  But, for now, let me simply say that, since the onset of this fairly recent obstacle, I am realizing more and more how those effects are many-faceted.  Their complexity  invades my daily life in ways I never would have considered had I not had this experience.  Today, I will leave it at that, except to say that in the past, whenever I have considered my life's journey and what might be further down the road, I never saw this coming.  Neither would it have been my choice - naturally.  Yet, there is a choice that does belong entirely to me and that is how I respond: Is my cup half full?  Or half empty?  Or...does it overflow?  With that in mind, I can't keep myself from feeling curious and even just a little bit excited about what will unfold and what I will learn from this unexpected experience.   It's going to be an adventure and I will surely be listening to God's nudges and hearing them loud and clear!        

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Obstacles and all. . .

Okay, okay!  Now I'm getting fidgity!  My printer is trying to gobble up the labels for the Memory Tree envelopes!   I think it's time to back away from deskwork for awhile.  Is that some yardwork I hear calling me?  What a beautiful, sunny day it is and here I am, inside.

It's interesting, the way a day can turn on you.  Early this morning, all was well when I left home in the dark.  There was such a peaceful presence as I drove down the mountain through the fog on my way to Curves.  Then, breakfast at the diner with a good friend - something we haven't done in. . .well, about four years!  (Can that be true?  Has it really been that long?  I have gotten out of the habit of measuring time now that some of it has stood still.)

I should have known the day would hold obstacles; some minor ones, at least.  That, after all, is life.  The first was discovering that the cat had thrown up on the freshly steam-cleaned carpet while I was gone.  "Great," I thought.  "Just what I enjoy coming home to."  On a brighter note, the freshly painted closet door gave me an opportunity to indulge in a bit of smug satisfaction.  After that, things were going along fairly well as I busied myself with today's "To Do" list.  That is, until the printer became uncooperative.

By now, the energy that was invigorating and fresh this morning is beginning to wan and the routine tasks of the day seem to require considerably more effort on my part than they did this morning.  Looking ahead and according to my calendar, I see that I have a meeting to attend later that begins at the time I am usually turning in for the night.  So this day is going to be a long one. 

Will it be like any other?  Absolutely not.  Would I want it to be?  Absolutely not.  How thankful I am for this day - this twenty-four hours of time that is unlike any other and will never be again.  How tenderly I rejoice in it, obstacles and all!