Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Detours. . .

This has been an emotional day with abrupt mood swings.  Something has triggered them.  The odd weather?  Pictures?  A smell, perhaps?  I know that my heart has taken to missing Bob with renewed rawness.  Most likely, my delicate state of mind comes from a combination of things.  Suddenly, I find myself feeling quite fragile...for no apparant reason.  It is one of those times when I feel at loose ends and wonder what to do about it.  Trouble is, the options do not present themselves with any clarity.  It is during these times that I am especially thankful for my faith that never falters, even when the rest of my being seems to.  Step by step, I know I will be led straight through the middle of these murky detours in my journey until the path becomes straight and clear again...and I will be all the spiritually wiser.  There is always, always something to be thankful for!    

1 comment:

  1. Dorothy, I never realized that every single day would be such a challenge! Sometimes the simple act of getting out of bed is so hard. Paul knew what he was doing by moving Karin and the grandkids in with us, that's all that keeps me moving, though it also adds many challenges as well. Raw is certainly the right word, and it's a hard time of year. Five of my friends have been widowed since the fall, and as I try to find the right words to comfort them, I still can't find my own sense of balance. Like you, I try to trust that the Lord will shepherd all of us through the challenging times, and I take some joy from the good days. thinking of you always,
