Sunday, June 2, 2013

All on a Sunday afternoon. . .

Another good day!  What's this, three in a row?  Church in the morning then lunch with a beautiful friend.  While driving home I pondered some choices for an afternoon project.  As I drove in Ray Road, noticing the unsightly non-functioning sluice pipe, I knew what my project would be.  The purpose of the sluice pipe is to divert the flow of rainwater that runs off the highway, down Baudendistel Road and bears left onto Ray Road where it takes another left down my driveway...and occasionally in my basement. 
I've decided that water must be very lazy, always taking the easiest path.  Where is its sense of adventure?  I'm glad my journey is not so predictable and I know I have God to thank for that!
Anyway...the sluice.   It had been buried underneath a few years' worth of gravel, rocks and leaves.  The tall weeds that had greedily moved in obscured the sluice even more.  Since this is a township road, it is routinely maintained by the Town of Hancock...with the exception of the sluice pipe which they may have forgotten about.  I ended up working at my unearthing project for several hours - for a time during a brief shower.  But the pleasure I felt was worthwhile and far outweighed the discomfort of being filthy and sweaty with dirt balls in my hair and shoes.  I find that once I'm already dirty it doesn't bother me so much to dig in.  After exposing the sluice to my satisfaction, I then started clearing the ditch but didn't finish all of it.  (I love my Toro leaf blower!  It not only blows the leaves but rocks, sticks and small piles of dirt, too.) 
Maybe the road crew will finish what I started.  Gee, maybe they'll put me on the payroll.  Do you suppose?  =^) *snicker*

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