Monday, May 14, 2012

NC Monday May 14th. . .

7:30am. . .Oh, ye of little sleep -- that's me.  I don't know why.  It's certainly not for lack of being comfortable on the brand new bed.  Nor do I have any of the particular sort of worries that tend to interfere with sleep.  I guess my mind is just working overtime about too many different things, as seems to happen quite often, regardless of where I am. 

The week end was enjoyably memorable with part of it very relaxed and low key and part of it not so much.  There was shopping and Daniel's indoor soccer game on Saturday, and church and Cracker Barrel on Sunday.  Then, perhaps not as enjoyable but no less memorable, there were the various incidences that took place involving lost (and eventually found) items...then, keys and phone getting locked inside a car at a gas well as being locked outside the house -- a very tense situation which required climbing a ladder to a second story window that was (thankfully) unlocked.  I always wonder, when the obstacles are that obvious, what the lesson is and why the answers aren't equally obvious.  Even when I can't figure out the answer, I never doubt but what there is one and I am inspired more than ever to pursue my ongoing conversation with God.  Quite often, when I am further down the road in my journey, the answers are revealed...and I am all the wiser for having encountered the bumps along the way.  Tonight, I look forward to Ian's orchestra concert and I'm pretty sure we will all be double checking the keys in our hands as we leave the house.

1 comment:

  1. I was looking at the wrong blog ... all caught up now!
