Monday, April 11, 2011

Missing Ginger. . .

Another marathon day working in the yard. That's three in a row. The ceremonial unveiling of the backyard crocus blooms was quite thrilling, both for me and for them. Once again, I have to say the electric leaf blower was a good investment. It would have taken me more than a week to accomplish what has now taken three days! There are some little perks, too. For instance the look I imagine on the little worms' faces when they are startled awake by being half unearthed -- one end flapping in the wind and the other end still in the dirt, hanging on for dear life.

Much to my dismay, I see the "ant troops" have begun their infiltration, marching, single file across my back porch, to a quick cadance. They are obviously taking their mission very seriously, judging by the determination they seem to display. I am declaring war. Tomorrow's strategy -- ant spray around the perimeter!

I dearly miss my dog, Ginger. That little sting surprised me today because I thought I had pretty much adapted to life without her. But it was winter when she died so this is the first I've been busy in the yard without her. It feels very awkward to be so totally alone. I do admit that there were times when she was somewhat of a nuisance because, even when she had gotten old, she always considered my yard work time her playtime. She persisted until I had to stop whatever I was doing and throw toys for her. Then, as soon as I picked up my tools again, back she would come. I'd try ignoring her but she wouldn't stop bumping her slimey toy against my bare leg until she got her own way. Sometimes, I could buy myself some time by tricking her into running in the wrong direction or by tossing the muddy, saliva soaked toy into the bushes where she would have to search for it. She would always find it. Always. Today, one of her outside toys turned up -- her favorite one. It sent a sudden wave of sadness through me. But I wouldn't wish not to have had my little buddy all those years just to spare myself the loss of her now.

I'm reminded of part of one of my favorite poems:

...Tho nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, glory in the flower,

Grieve not, for we will find strength in what remains...

1 comment:

  1. My daffodils bloomed while I was gone this afternoon, it would have been amazing to sit and watch them come out.
